Bloom Where you're planted

A few short days after moving back to Utah, I was feeling we made the wrong decision to come back. I missed Florida and the new life we had out there tremendously. I started to feel the heaviness of the burden I used to carry.

I know many of you have felt this, but there is a dark cloud looming over this place, the spiritual warfare and oppression is heavy here in Salt Lake. If you've ever moved away and came back, you know what I'm talking about!

But, knowing that God orchestrated this move, leading us every step of the way, He had plans... BIG ones!

Seeds of truth were planted in my soul! Seeds that the Lord wanted to transplant into others.

I have a mouth (if you didn't know, lol!) and I will use it to tell others about Jesus! So, while living in Florida, I had experienced amazing things! I experienced huge breakthroughs over the coarse of a year....and through the compilation of studies the Lord led me to on forgiveness, I put together a packet titled " How to Walk Free". It is a hands on, step by step guide through the journey of forgiveness. I had a sensing in my heart that I had to put all the information I learned together and to share it with as many people as possible. So I did. I was passing it out like candy! The Lord was making divine appointments left and right with people He wanted me to share this with; moms at Chick-fil-a, standing in line at Target, a woman in the emergency room, a man hitch-hiking on the side of the road.... it was completely amazing! The power of forgiveness and the act of obedience to follow the promptings of the Lord's instructions were impacting lives! I had a boldness to share my testimony of forgiveness with perfect strangers and often times was stretched beyond my comfort zone. But, it was so empowering to know that in the midst of my circumstances, God was using me to impact lives for His Kingdom!

1 Corinthians 1:27 God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.

Boy, am I one of those foolish things being used by God. I don't have it all together. I make mistakes, I still have bouts of doubt, I even question Gods goodness at times. But, I am reassured of the testimony I have in Christ through studying His word and reading about all the "foolish things and people" God used to make an impact.

The Bible says that... "For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength." (1 Corinthians 1:25) And while they all looked foolish in the eyes of the world, ... in the eyes of people, ... they were exactly where God wanted them to be, and doing exactly what God wanted them to do. And God blessed each one of them.

I loved what the Lord was doing in my life out in Florida, I had an awakening in my spirit and he was using me to make an impact... so I knew that if the Lord brought us back here, He had mighty plans. I knew He wanted me to share the importance of forgiveness with others but.... people were not divinely placed in my lap like before and I actually at times felt rejected. Not many people cared about the passion I carried in my heart about the power of forgiveness... so I really questioned what my purpose for being back was and how He was going to use me.

I cried and complained to my husband about being back in Utah..... for weeks, maybe months. Lets just say, it was a long time. Bitterness started taking root in my heart about the decision to move back. So I knew I needed to come to terms with this and attack these feelings before I let it consume me. Amazingly, the Lord had something up His sleeve!

One Sunday afternoon, I read the announcement " On August 26th and 27th, 2011, Beth Moore will be coming to the Maverick Center. You won't want to miss this event! No two Living Proof events are ever the same as Beth Moore teaches whatever God puts on her heart. You'll be amazed by her own experiences as a believer and you'll be inspired to magnify and strengthen your own relationship with God."

I had always heard how amazing Beth Moore was, and how life changing her conferences were...but the ticket prices were kinda steep, so I figured if the Lord wants me there, He'll supply the resources. (thinking some money will magically show up in the mail and I'll be able to go.) Well, closer to the event, I still had not purchased a ticket so, I wasn't going, or so I thought.

The day before the conference, I got a call from Alison, my pastors wife telling me about a dear sister in Christ who purchased a ticket for her sister in a wheelchair- but she couldn't make it. She gave us the ticket in hopes to bless someone who couldn't otherwise go... and you came to mind. Do you want to go?

Uh, YES!!!! I was completely blown away by Gods divine intervention to make this happen! So, of coarse, I gladly accepted. I went to the conference with no real expectations other than I will have a fun time and hopefully will walk away with a stronger desire to be closer to God.

Well, The conference was beyond my expectations! A huge blessing to me. It was like Jesus met me there and literally spoke directly to my heart.

During one of the sessions Beth told us to write down the city where we lived (as there were women from all over the place) she then had us put this paper on our foreheads and say "I, An-g live in Salt Lake City and God has placed me here for a divine purpose. I will bloom where I'm planted." The seeds that were planted in me during the time we spent in Florida were being transplanted in Utah and now through divine encouragement, was being prompted To Bloom!

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