New Beginnings

So I have not written on here for a while.

I have shared some of our struggles and experiences on Facebook, so some of this may seem redundant... but I kind of wanted to recap what we've been through and where I currently am today because we are starting a new chapter.

I'm going to be using this blog from now on to share what the Lord is doing in our lives so I have something to look back and reflect on.

One day back in December, 2011 I was listening to Air 1 and the morning DJ's were talking about New Year's resolutions.

Mandy had been discussing how New Year's resolutions really serve no purpose. They're just going to be broken before the month is over and you're left feeling bad about yourself and defeated.

Truly not a good way to start the brand new year.

So instead of coming up with a resolution that was deemed to fail,  she would seek the Lord to search her heart and ask Him to speak a word into her life.

Something maybe that she's been struggling with, an area that the Lords
been calling her to act in obedience to etc.

This was something real and tangible and would add depth and meaning to her life.  She knew that if the Lord was asking her to do it then he would give her the strength to follow through.

Well, this idea really spoke to my heart, and I adopted this new years "spoken word" into my life. This has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done!  Over the years, the Lord has used His spoken word to change and mold me into the woman he created me to be. if you are looking for purpose and wonder what the Lord's will is for you. I strongly suggest you seek Him today and let His spoken word transform every area of your life!!!

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