Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013-The year of Stewardship

After the amazing year I had walking in obedience, I was actually excited to see what the Lord had for me this next year. So I sought the Lord.  Through meditating on His word, listening to sermons  on CSN and prayer. The word came to me. I kept denying  it though thinking there was something better..... But it was clear.

My spoken word for 2013 was

I didn't realize that stewardship was more than just finances. I learned that not only was the Lord asking me to  walk in obedience to tithing faithfully. (Giving a tenth of our income to our home church) but asking me to give him my first portion of everything he's entrusted to me: my time, gifts, talents, and ability.

Stewardship changed the way I managed my life completely. I realized how important it is to give God priority in every aspect of my life.

Matthew 6:33

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

So, ok we got the tithing thing down. But, the most important thing that changed was putting God first every morning by coming to Him in prayer, devotion, and Bible study.

I looked forward to my quiet time with the Lord every  morning. Most times, I would spend hours, well into the afternoon  with Him. I was gaining so much insight and wisdom I didn't want to stop.

 All I wanted to do was give Him praise for all the wonderful things I was learning about life and how much He loves us.

 So, during prayer, I would begin by giving Him thanks and praise for a new day and all the blessings that were in my life.  This helped me to not be complacent and grumble about what I didn't have or the things that I couldn't do anymore.

I would ask Him to put his hedge of protection around everything he's blessed me with: my family, my time, +finances, vehicles, and home. Then, I would ask Him to orchestrate my day according to His perfect will for my life. Knowing that nothing can come into my life unless it is first filtered through His hands for my good. This helped me to trust in the Lords sovereignty.

This year I faced many trials but they didn't have the effect on me that they used to. I had a whole new perspective. Therefore, no matter what came my way, I had peace. Peace that surpassed all understanding! Phil 4:7

I started a daily reading plan through the New Testament reading one book after the next. His Word was coming to life to me and He was speaking to me everyday. Molding and changing me into the woman He created me to be.

At the same time I was listening to Chip Ingrams study titled "God as He longs for you to see Him" everyday on CSN.  This study looks deeply at seven different attributes of God; His goodness,holiness,sovereignty, love,faithfulness,justice and wisdom.

Learning the truth about Gods character helped me  cut through the lies I believed about God and replaced them with Biblical  truths which once again built a solid foundation of trust under me.

It was amazing, but every week God was showing me His true colors and revealing his faithfulness through the attribute I studied that week.

Each lesson tied perfectly into what I was going through in life and the Lord was using it at as a means to show me himself in a real and tangible way.I was experiencing first hand how God interacts with his children through His word. I literally was in Awe, I had never experienced His presence like this before.. I wanted more.

In the bible,  I read about so many times that the Lord spoke to his children through dreams and visions also. So, before bed one evening, as I was praying, I asked God to speak to me through my dreams. I asked him to reveal what his plans were for my life.

I had the most amazing dream and I still remember it to this day as if it is the day I had it! One of the most amazing experiences that has ever happened in my life!

Here's the dream: I was on a team of individuals and we were about to embark on a race across the country from here to Florida (my happy place) We were racing  with a bunch of different teams. The goal was we all had to come up with a unique and clever way to get to the finish line. The Judge didn't say whether or not it was important to have the fastest time or best route, all we knew is we had to come up with a travel plan and get there.

So in my dream, I had just been healed, and I was up and out of my wheelchair walking around. We decided, in honor of my miraculous healing, we would be walking across the country. We knew that this challenge was going to be very difficult. The roads were often windy and rocky and most times the terrain was not ideal for a race. We were tired and defeated and at times I felt as if we couldn't go on.

But, during the hardest times during the race, there would be those that we loved alongside the roads cheering us on and encouraging us to finish the race no matter how difficult the circumstances were.

When we were close to the finish line, the road got so much more difficult... there were hills to climb and rocks that were set up in our way to make us stumble, but we pressed on, we persevered and we crossed the finish line!!!!

When we arrived, we realized we were in last place, but that didn't matter to us.

Our race was very challenging and we had wondered if we'd ever make it to the finish line!  There were so many times I wanted to just give up and throw in the towel. But, we made it, we accomplished the unthinkable... we finished!!!!

As we entered the judge's chambers we heard the roar of cheering and people standing and clapping for us. We just looked around in awe and amazement.

Then we approached the judge and he gave us a huge trophy and I noticed all of our names are written on it. He then proceeded to tell us that it didn't matter that we came in last, there really was no winners or losers, all that matters is that we finished the race and how well we ran it. How we overcame adversity and obstacles that were in our way trying to stop us from reaching this much desired finish line.

He continued to tell us that our journey was far more difficult than most.. Some teams took the easy way and flew on an  airplane.. but when they crossed the finish line and received their trophy it didn't matter that much to them. They missed all the opportunities for growth, encouragement, perseverance and character building that the journey provided. So he commended us for finishing, as the path that was laid before us was the most difficult and challenging of all.

So, our team received the biggest trophy and as my dream came to an end I just remember hugging all of our team members and saying "we did it! it's finished! all the struggles we faced during the race were worth it!"

when I woke up the next morning, I just went about my business as normal.  I got the kids ready for school and out the door. As I was driving home from dropping the kids off, the dream I had the night before started coming to me very detailed.

At first I was a little confused at what it could mean. But when all the pieces were put together. I was in complete AWE!!

I couldn't believe how profound this dream was to my life and how the Lord was faithful in granting the desires of my heart to speak to me through my dreams so His glory could be revealed and make His presence known!

When I got home, I started my morning Bible study as I usually did and i was in 2 Timothy 4 that morning........ Um WOW!

2 Timothy 4:7-8

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing

You just can't make this stuff up! This completely blew me away! I was beside myself!! The meaning of this dream is deep.

The team that I was running the race with are people that God has meticulously placed in my life for us to build up and disciple in the Lord.

The journey across the country from Utah to Florida was very meaningful for me too as we took this journey and it was in Florida when God met me in my weakness and changed my life. I long to be back there, so its my promised  land. :)

The fact that I was walking was nothing short of AMAZING! To have the ability to walk again would be an enormous blessing and answer to my daily prayers. It's what motivates me to take better care of myself each day!  I long for the day  Jesus tells me "pick up your bed and walk" Until that day I will continue to pray for this and endure with a happy heart.

The journey across the country was very difficult just like in life when the circumstances we face seem so overwhelming we can't go on. We will face many obstacles and stumbling blocks will be put in our way to keep us from becoming the man or woman God created us to be.

When times get tough those that we love will be by our side encouraging us to press on. Encouraging us to run this race called life with endurance and persevere to the end.

Once we've crossed the finish line ( entered heaven, cross this life over into the next) there will be a reward waiting for us. (if we have accepted Jesus as our savior and accept his free gift salvation)

When we finished the race and we received our reward, the trophy which represents the promised crown of righteousness and the significance of our names being written on the trophy is that in the end of this life as you enter into eternity if you are a child of God (born again) your name will be written in the Lamb's Book of Life! Rev 21:27

Once again, the Lord lavished me with his undenying presence and love throughout this year. I'm completely changed forever through the Spoken word of Stewardship. Putting God in His proper place taking precedence over everything. He  is the Lord of my life and nothing ever again will take His place.

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