Thursday, November 12, 2015

WVCFD to host Fundraiser for my family and I Sat. Nov. 14th: New Wheels for An-g

My amazing firefighter friends over at Firehouse #75 are hosting a garage sale fundraiser to help us in our efforts for the revolutionary TEK-RMD. The new stand up wheelchair that was just FDA approved.

Saturday, Nov 14th
Granger Elementary school
3700 South 1950 west
9:00 am- 3:00 p.m

We are accepting any and all donations to sell. Please bring your items to Granger Elementary the morning of Sat Nov. 14 between 7-9 a.m

Please consider joining us! We'd love to see all your beautiful smiling faces!

If you cannot attend and would like to make a donation please visit.

I can't say thank you enough to the West Valley City Fire Dept for what they are doing for my family and I. I am so overwhelmed with gratitude. I'm just beside myself for all the time and effort they are putting into this.

As many of you know, I have been battling m.s for 23 years; since the ripe age of 14. About 5 years ago the disease transitioned into the next phase-secondary progressive M.S and life has never been the same since.

I am a firm believer that everything we face in life has divine purpose to mold us into the people God created us to be; so I know that the Lord in His Sovereignty is using my affliction to build our faith, trust, endurance, hope and character.

Although we have faced many, many trials-our journey has been truly Amazing!

Those that are closest to us understand the depth of my needs and know how much this device we are trying to raise money for would change our world!!  But for those of you that don't know you can read about it here.

Literally, a huge burden would be lifted from my 2 beautiful children who help me endlessly and my amazing husband who has been lifting and carrying  me around for the past year.

We have been racking our brains on how we are gonna try to make this easier on us. Over the past year with the burns, gallbladder removal and various surgeries. I'm in quite a predicament. I can no longer bare any weight so just the simplest of tasks becomes nearly impossible. The wheelchair I'm in doesn't fit into any of our bathrooms-its too wide and bulky for the small bathrooms we have and not being able to bare any weight makes this... well...  extremely difficult. Without having a gallbladder eating has become extremely burdomesome as food does not agree with me. Therefore, most days I'm starving myself so i don't have to go to the bathroom.I'm tired of living like this and I believe there is better days ahead.

I've lost so much independence and this device would give me the ability to do so many things that we all take for granted.

I love my sweet husband and dear firefighters who have been here for me day after day, week after week, month after month to help me- but oh how I long for Independance.

Here's An explanation of the Tek Robotic Mobilization Device:

" At Matia Robotics, we created the Tek Robotic Mobilization Device not as a wheelchair alternative, but as a brand new mobility platform that completely re imagines the way individuals with paraplegia and other walking disabilities are able to move in the world. The ability to independently and safely sit, stand, and navigate environments that were once inaccessible, is now possible, safe, and available by reservation."

Words cannot even begin to express the excitement I feel thinking of how much independence The  Tek Robotic device would bring to me.

It was just FDA approved and they are beginning to ship to the U.S.!!!! Yee haw!!!

Because there is such a high demand-they do not accept insurance as payment. The device is $18,000 (plus S & H) -which is really a smoking deal considering  the cost of a traditional motorized wheelchair.

We don't have this kind of money and really do not want to go into further medical debt if we can avoid it- so we are graciously asking all of our dear friends and family if you could help us!

Please share our story too cause it just might take a "community" of people coming together to meet this need. But I believe it is possible! Hope is alive!!

Asking for help is not easy for me- So just know I am very humbled and grateful for any support you would be willing to give to my family and I.

Gods many wonderful blessings to you all!

Check out the Tek Robotic Mobilization Device here:

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